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When do you need an optometrist?
Dr. Ashley Pulis
An optometrist is different from an ophthalmologist as an optometrist is trained to diagnose the eyes and recommend glasses, contact lens or Lasik. An ophthalmologist performs surgeries on the eyes. When you get a dry eye, eye pain, sudden vision loss, star bursts or similar problems you need to consult with an optometrist immediately. To avoid sudden vision loss or serious damage to your eyes, you should visit the optometrist on a schedule provided by the optometrist. This article will cover when and why you need an optometrist in Albuquerque.
Glaucoma in Family History
Glaucoma will destroy the optical nerves and is caused by fluid pressure built in the eye. This is the worst eye disorder, and glaucoma symptoms are very rare. If you have a family history of glaucoma and you are aged 40, you should consult an optometrist in Albuquerque.
Diabetes causes eye problems and both Type 1 & Type 2 diabetes impact the eye. If you are diabetic or pre-diabetic for over a year you should check your eyes with an optometrist. If your child has Type-1 diabetes, you need to check it immediately. Although diabetes practitioners suggest an eye check in their hospitals, it is very important to have your eyes checked by a trained optometrist.
Over 35
You may have a bright and clear vision even after 35, but chances are that eye diseases are at early stages and symptoms are not detected. You could read well and see things clear, but you still have to consult an optometrist and make sure you do not develop any eye diseases. It is recommended that you do a routine eye check at least once a year to protect your eyes from any future disease.
Other Eye Conditions
Eye diseases occur at all stages of life, which may be hereditary, lifestyle, a side effect of other health problems such as diabetes, etc. Eye injuries may happen accidentally in the workplace. People doing eye intensive jobs such as working in front of a computer, welders or working with precision tools may develop eye problems. Here is a list of eye problems that need to be consulted with an optometrist.
Blur Eyes
Dry Eyes
Flashes or Floaters
Eye pain
Chemical burn
Sudden vision loss
Cobwebs in vision
Foreign body in eye(s)
Red, itchy eyes
While consulting with eye doctors in Albuquerque make sure that they have graduated from a good university, have the expertise and have the latest equipment. Do not settle for cheap optometrists in Albuquerque as your eye is the window to the world.
The author of this article is an experienced
optometrist in Albuquerque
. In this article, he has explained when you need to consult with an optometrist or an
eye doctor in Albuquerque
. To know more, visit
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