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Using Flash Slideshow In Your Web Design
Luigi BianchiIf you looking for a flash slide show solution with thumbnail preview, it would be helpful to see lots of thumbnails and load dynamically, with advanced visual effects, the bigger image if the thumbnail is clicked.Now this is a lot of work with Macromedia Flash and you need a good Flash skill; the cost of this quality will be very expensive.The Flash software is quite complicated, but the results can be well worth the effort, .for many people it just seems too expensive and complicated option.However, there are many simple and cost-effective web design solutions available that will create a quality flash slideshow for as little as a few dollars.You can’t afford to pay a web site designer to design a Flash slideshow for you.So how do you get around this problem? Actually it is very easy, and as always there are options!Do-It-YourselfThe solution is the stand alone program that allows you to construct a flash slideshow without knowing any Macromedia Flash. Among the better ones is A2 Flash slideshow Editor which comes in two softwares: BUILDER and COMPOSER.Think of these as personal and business.How it work:A2 Flash slideshow Editor is very easy to use, in 5 steps, with the A2 Flash BUILDER, you create, in minutes, your flash slideshow with thumbnails, transitions, zoom, interactive controls and advanced visual effects. Your clients will be absolutely jazzed by the flash slideshow You will produce for their websites.Step 1: Add Images, text and sound. Step 2 choose your flash slideshow templates from a great number of these. Step 3: Add effects, transition and much more. Step 4: Publish your flash slideshow. That’s all.Customizing your A2 Flash slideshow Templates with A2 Flash COMPOSER is easy Step 1: From A2 Flash BUILDER select the Flash template to modify.Step 2: Launch the Composer Sw.Step 3: Change position, dimensions, animations, masks and much more like you want.Step 4: See preview. Step 5 Create in seconds your 100% customized Flash template.By purchasing a sw like A2 Flash slideshow Editor you will greatly reduce the cost of the design and as a bonus, you will know from the start what it will look like when it is finished.Okay, here’s the way to do a perfect Flash slideshow.
For more information on using A2 Flash slideshow Editor please visit our website: http://www.a2flash.net Samples:http://www.a2flash.net/flash_software_samples.html
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