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Submitted by: Bello Gbenga
The discomfort and pain caused by thrombosed painful hemorrhoids/hemroids can tempt you to attempt to burst the painful swelling yourself. Some people have actually been reported to have burst their swollen hemorrhoid with the use of a sterilized needle and a mirror to puncture the swelling resulting in the release of smelly bloody pus filled discharge. { Click the links in the last paragraph below to learn how to deal effectively with painful hemorrhoids}
A thrombosed hemorrhoid is caused by the excessive pooling of blood in the hemorrhoid swelling secondary to formation of blood clots in the hemorrhoid blood vessels. After the formation of blood clots there is gradual accumulation of blood, pus and mucus.
This distention leads to severe pain which affects the normal daily activities. Whether you are trying to sleep, eat or go to the bathroom; your hemorrhoid is constantly on your mind. The truth of the mater is that you should not allow your hemorrhoid to get swollen to this stage, you should treat your hemorrhoid with a good hemorrhoid home cure. {Click the links in the last paragraph below to discover how to shrink swollen hemroids in 48 hrs}.
These are some other natural measures that can also give some comfort and relief:
-Dab the swelling with wet toilet tissue, just dab the area dont wipe. You can also use a bottle (like the ones for dish soap) cleaned out and filled with warm water and use this to gently spray the area-then dab dry
-Avoid straining when defecating, if the stool is not coming down easily, get up and walk around a bit, then return to the toilet.
-You can also soak your butt in warm saltwater sitz bath three to four times in a day; it will relieve pain and help to hasten the healing of your hemorrhoids.
-Live a more active life as this also as this will help your stools to become softer and it will also help to make your hemorrhoid heal faster.
-Eat more high fiber diet foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These high fiber diets will help to make your stools bulkier and easy to pass. You should also increase your consumption of water to up to at least eight glasses of water per day. ( Click the links in the last paragraph below to know more about five vegetables and fruits that if taken once weekly will ensure that you never get constipated again)
You must however also realize that thrombosed hemorrhoids can also burst spontaneously by itself when one sneezes or during excessive laughter.
Most of the treatment options highlighted above will only give you symptomatic relief, for you to get a cure that will shrink the thrombosed hemorrhoids permanently you need to make use of a holistic home based treatment that deals with the root causes of hemorrhoids.
You should not wait till your hemorrhoid becomes swollen and painful, there are good effective home cures for thrombosed hemorrhoids have been proven to be of real help.
About the Author:
Shrink Those Giant Sized Painful
Swellings Fast.
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