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Submitted by: Danielle Brooks
The holidays are all about family. And sometimes when we are planning our menus and arrangements, we forget about the kids. But, to keep kids from wrecking your house and hassling the adults, you have to keep them entertained. Unable to keep up with the enticing conversation of the adults, kids can become bored fairly easy.
One way to make sure that the kids at your gatherings are entertained is to designate a table for them. Kids can get bored of adult-talk or can hear things that they shouldn’t at the adult table, so keeping them at a table with other children will keep them occupied with each other. And keeping little activities like puzzles, playing cards, or other toys at the kids’ table can help keep them playing together and not with your expensive knick-knacks.
Wine, champagne, and other alcoholic drinks are a part of the holidays in some households. And, of course, the kids can’t really enjoy these drinks, but giving them their own special drinks will satisfy them. Sparkling wine looks a lot like champagne and makes the kids feel like they are a part of the celebration also.
Another great thing that children typically enjoy is fun drinks. Adding fruit, gummy worms, fun straws, and umbrellas can really catch the eye of children, and they will most definitely enjoy the candy and umbrellas they get to keep.
There is always room in everyone’s stomach for dessert. Kids especially are always waiting to get through the day so they can eat their dessert. Having a great selection of treats like cookies, cakes, pies, and ice cream will keep the children really happy. With them knowing that they have to eat their meal before they can have their dessert, they will get them to try new foods, which is always a plus.
One of the best ways to keep the kids from causing disaster is to get involved in group activities. Charades is one great game that the whole family can enjoy. Anyone who can understand the rules and apply can play, and kids really enjoy the fun they can have with all of the adults. And, especially for the holidays, singing Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza, and etc. songs are another activity that everyone at the gathering can participate in.
Kids love to be recognized for their helpfulness. After dinner or present opening, you can have the children work together in cleaning up after the mess. This actually keeps them occupied and lessens the work you have to do. And while the kids are stacking the dishes in the sink or dishwasher, all of the adults can enjoy the company of the adult guests.
Some families come over the stay days before the actual holiday. And when you have kids staying the night at your house with nothing to do, keeping them entertained is very important. Arts and crafts like making cards, placemats, and decorating are a kid favorite. And while they do all of the crafts, you can finish planning and cooking without disruptions.
If you have your family and friends coming over for the holidays, sometimes they can bring their kids. And getting them involved and occupying them during the holiday gatherings will keep them and yourself happy.
About the Author: Danielle Brooks is a freelance writer who loves to entertain. When entertaining she likes to use
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