ISD Global’s Brand Knew magazine receives excellent response worldwide
Robin Fredriques
ISD Global, the Dubai basednew age brand marketing consultancy has received a fantastic response to its relaunched magazine Brand Knew. Brand Knew, as is indicative of the name, is a knowledge repository and destination that provides a holistic perspective on the world of brands and branding. As a monthly source of usable, non perishable content, Brand Knew is published in two avataars- one a print edition and the other a digital edition.
“The response to Brand Knew has been overwhelming- both from readers and advertisers.From what we have gathered, the substance in the magazine is compellingly engaging and the style of presentation makes the consumption of the content a big motivator. Readers are spending greater amounts of time interacting with the magazine and in the case of the digital edition( accessible on http://brandknew.groupisd.com), they are able to share either the full magazine or certain parts of the magazine to their contacts, followers etc. Articles on Personal Branding by Howard Forman, the Humor in Branding feature by Liz Goodgold, Tom Fishburne’s marketoon on the irony of Social Media branding, Martin Lindstorm’s Ten Commandments on branding etc have found a lot of following. As we speak, Brand Knew is interfacing with more and more branding experts across the world to bring in a truly global but locally relevant perspective to readers across the markets the magazine addresses including the UAE, UK, India, USA etc,” commented Suresh Dinakaran, Managing Editor of Brand Knew and Group CEO, ISD Global.
“The community of readers of Brand Knew are extremely happy that they can access the magazine’s content in an eco system that is most conducive to them be it print, digital(on laptop/desktop) or on Tablets like IPad. A Smartphone edition is alsobeing programmed as well and from the following edition, users can access the mobile edition of Brand Knew as well on their smartphones. The goal is to broaden the reach within the targeted eco system and provide a content experience that is meaningful”,added Pravin Ahir, Creative & Operations Head, ISD Global.
“If one were to look at the audience that Brand Knew as a magazine reaches out to in both its formats viz print & digital, you would realise that these are extremely successful, highly placed professionals, CEOs, business owners or entrepreuners and a vast community of students of marketing & advertising. This is an eclectic mix, a highly aware and consumption prone community, with high disposable incomes, seeking the very best, finest and latest in brands. No wonder advertisers find it a fitting platform to communicate messages that drive such consumption to an audience that is seeking it. Some of the brands that have begun to look at Brand Knew from a long term perspective include Volkswagen, Gillette, Quinting Watches, London School of Economics, Lambhorgini, Philips etc. More and more lifestyle and luxury brands are begining to enquire for special sponsorship and long term advertising deals in Brand Knew which is immensely encouraging”, avered Sagar Patil, Head of ISD Global, Europe Operations.
ISD Global are the inventors of the 5C Model in brand communication where content, context and conduit should lead to customer & commerce. They also propogate the BEST,which effectively is Brand Energy Stimulation Technique, using the science of universal energy to augment, revitalise and re engineer under performing brands.
With operations straddling 6 different geographies including UAE, UK, USA, India, Mauritius & Vietnam, and a team of passionate strategists and creative czars, ISD Global remains well positioned to service the needs of both established and emerging brands across multiple footprints.
Genres including Automobiles, FMCG, Banking & Financial Services, Real Estate, Consumer Electronics, Luxury & Lifestyle, Fashion & Jewellery, Education &Training, IT & IT services, Travel, Tourism, Hospitality, Food & Beverages, Media & Entertainment, Furniture & Interiors, Office Automation etc are serviced and developed by ISD Global.
To know more about how ISD Global can help brands realise its business and marketing objectives, please communicate on info@groupisd.com
Robin Fredricks is a Graduate in Mass Media & Communications. Orginally from S Africa, she has a passion for writing & design. She loves observing people and situations and how communication influences and triggers people’ behaviour.Hailing from Capetown, she now lives in Al Ain, UAE.
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