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Submitted by: Terrence Bown
Minor accidents are very common, not only amongst children and teenagers, but amongst adults as well. Certain accidents are such that they cause people to lose their teeth. Other times when adults for example may lose their teeth is due to decaying of the teeth, a certain form of gum disease or perhaps even a great deal of wear and tear. With missing teeth, people are prone to face embarrassment which can cause a lack of confidence and self esteem to develop which can further lead to emotional problems.
One answer to such a problem of missing teeth is that of dental implants. These days, dental implants are sought by those people who may be experiencing some form of dissatisfaction with the kind of teeth they have. A majority of the people who make use of such implants and opt for this service with their dentist are however those who are missing teeth, but recently with the popularity of this service, people with perfectly good teeth show up to get implants done. This is because they themselves are unhappy with their teeth and wish to have a better and more perfect set.
It does not matter what kind of problem one is facing with their teeth, implants have proven to be a very good solution to all kinds of issues. Whether one opts for mini implants or full implants, a person can get full restoration with the help of these dental implants.
Dental implants are basically artificial roots of teeth, which are made using material that is compatible with the gums. These implants are then implanted into the jawbone of the patient with the help of a simple and painless procedure. These implants cannot be found readily available as they are custom made to meet the requirements of each individual patient. These implants need to feel natural for the patient and since they are a replica of one s teeth, they need to be according to the shape and structure of an individual patient s mouth and jaw. Titanium implants are generally the most common types of implants that are used by dentists. This is because the material is durable and offers the kind of functionality that dental implants are supposed to.
Since dental implants are seen as the best solution to the problem of missing teeth, there are obviously some benefits that are associated with their use. For one, these implants are permanent so unlike removable dentures that can be quite embarrassing as they tend to slip; dental implants are stable and fixed solution. They are also very durable and comfortable and they also help in the protection of the other teeth that are healthy.
Missing teeth should definitely be replaced as it is a way of maintaining oral hygiene. Not only will getting dental implants remove the negative effects of having lost a tooth or more, it will provide you with the stability you need in your jaw. So if you feel you need to get dental implants, you should immediately contact your dentist.
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