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By Scott Mackenzie
Teeth gap is common in human beings of all ages and sex from all parts of the world. This is a space found in between any 2 teeth. In majority of the cases, the gap is common between the two upper front teeth. Gaps between other teeth are also common. The size of these gaps may vary from one person to the other.
A small gap between the two upper teeth is sometimes acceptable in some communities and may even be considered as cute. However, gaps between other teeth may appear unsightly and could cause embarrassment to the individual and even affect his self confidence. If the gaps are big, they may cause even more embarrassment.
These gaps may occur when jaw and the size of the teeth are unequal or when the tissue that connects the lip to the gum recedes. Tongue thrusting can also push the teeth apart. Old age may also cause teeth to shift and cause gaps. A gap may also occur when a tooth is extracted and not replaced with a bridge or implant immediately.
Fortunately, this problem can be treated in a number of ways. The most common way is by use of traditional braces. These could help to solve this problem although they might take quite a long time. Braces are also quite unsightly and thus may not be appropriate for adults.
One can also use invisalign which is a kind of cosmetic treatment. These aligners are transparent and therefore not easy to detect like braces. They are removable and are more comfortable than braces. The only setback is that this treatment can be more expensive than other options.
Direct dental bonding could also be used to make the teeth wider and fill up the spaces. The process is quite long and involves sanding and roughening the affected teeth before placing resin bonds on them. However, sometimes the gap may reappear even after treatment and the process may be quite costly too.
Alternatively, one can use teeth effects bands. These are simple devices that can close the gaps in a matter of days or weeks. They are special compressor bands that pull and draw the teeth together quickly in the right direction. These bands are made using high quality industrial elastic polymer. One can wear them exclusively at night or wear invisible ones during the day. They are durable and also very pocket friendly.
Using the bands is also very easy. A band is slipped on the sides of the two teeth that have gaps. The band pulls the 2 teeth close together and close the gap in the process. The process is attractive, affordable and very fast. One can purchase these bands online without a prescription from the dentist.
People with teeth gap often feel embarrassed, shy and may lack self confidence. They may also be self conscious and thus afraid to smile freely. Closing the gaps improves the beauty of the smile of the individual and her overall appearance. It also boosts self confidence.
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