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Mini Dollhouse Accessories: Formational Suggestions
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Lighting your way to a great look
Lighting and dollhouses is a little like magic at Christmas time, it adds a tremendous awe factor, but you have to be at the right point to get started. Adding Lights removes your miniature set from being just another toy to a display item that will sit no longer in the toy box, but on the living room mantel. It is really a lot of fun to light your dollhouse and at the same time a challenge to learn new things. At the same time, isn’t the challenge why we are in this hobby?When you break it down, lighting is simply connecting electricity through a wire and a plug. In fact with the instructions at hand you will be surprised at how easy it is. Don’t expect to do it perfect the first time, try it out, make a mistake and learn from it. We recommend getting a small electrical kit to start, they are simple to set up and get started with. Remember if in your mind it is too hard then you are correct. Miniatures and Contrast: Beauty with an EdgeThe definition of a contrast is two distinct or different items that draw attention to one another. Contrast in interior design makes the eye roll over certain areas of the room and focus on a couple of segments or patterns. If you are planning to use color as your primary medium for contrast then refer to a color wheel – the colors opposite from one another will bring the most contrast. And remember, one can put too much contrast in a room very easily. A good rule of thumb is if you are going to be using contrast to have one major contrasting item per room. An Addition that can make a Big DifferenceAs you are building and tweaking your dollhouse you will discover some great time saving secrets. There are some great things that you can add to your house, and I just simply came across one that helped out a lot. I simply created a floor board to use for the trim around the floor of the dollhouse. Floor Trim is not a new creation, but what I found is instead of buying it, to use a very thin balsa wood found in most craft stores. Simply paint it the color of your dollhouse and attach it to the foot of your walls. My biggest discovery is when the trim hid most of the fine mistakes between the floor and the wall. It also prevented the wall paper to come unglued because I was covering the bottom edges with the trim. I realize that this little invention, though not my own, really made my flooring look flush and neat against the wall. Planning and Preparation with your MiniaturesIf you fail to plan you plan to fail. A plan of action is crucial because it will keep you on a track leading to success. A basic floor plan and a budget should be the minimum of your list; these at least will get you started. A floor plan will consist of measurements, color, furniture pieces, and a good rough outline of the room. In order to help you look for some room examples to start on the internet and in local stores. Take a note book and jot down things that you would like to add, modify, or change with your plan. If you see something in your notes worthy of changing your plan, then go ahead and do it. Once you have a good idea of what you would like you will need to budget accordingly. Remember, this is a hobby and constraining yourself to a budget allows control and happiness over your financial situation. If you find a piece of furniture that is over your budget apply your patience and save until you can purchase it.
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Mini Dollhouse Accessories: Formational Suggestions}
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