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Submitted by: Jennifer Cheek
Question: 1
Refer to the exhibit.
A client reports being unable to log into the wireless network According to the output, which network information should be verified?
A. the Failed Attempts log on the authentication serve
B. that the AP has IP connectivity to the authentication serve
C. that the user has an account on the authentication serve
D. that the authentication and accounting configuration are correct
Answer: B
Question: 2
Refer to the exhibit.
A client reports being unable to log into the wireless network, which uses PEAPv2. Which two issues appear in the output? (Choose two)
A. The AP has the incorrect RADIUS server address
B. There is a problem with the client supplicant
C. The AP has lost IP connectivity to the authentication serve
D. The authentic at ion server is misconfigured on the controlle
E. The EAP client timeout value should be increased
F. The authentication server is misconfigured in the WLAN
Answer: AC
Question: 3
An engineer must open a support case with Cisco TAC. Which two commands verify the model and serial number of a controller? (Choose two)
A. show sysinfo
B. show udi
C. show inventory
D. show boot
E. show tech-support
Answer: AB
Question: 4
While reviewing Clean Air data in Cisco Prime Infrastructure, an engineer notices that a wideband jammer is not sending its Interferer Security Trap correctly. The engineer determines that the default seventy level has been changed. Which value does the engineer select to reset the seventy level to its factory setting?
A. informational
B. majo
C. mino
D. warning
E. critical
Answer: D
Question: 5
An engineer is using various techniques to discover and isolate rogues on the network. For which technique must the engineer consider legal ramifications?
A. rogue AP containment
B. RF detection
C. switch port tracing
D. wire detection
E. Cisco Prime Infrastructure location services
Answer: A
Question: 6
Which Cisco WLC debug command allows you to determine if the certificate process is failing in the CAPWAP messages?
A. debug pm pki enable
B. debug cert events enable
C. debug capwap events enable
D. debug capwap packet enable
E. debug capwap errors enable
Answer: E
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About the Author: Test Information:Total Questions: 60Test Number: 300-370Vendor Name: CISCOCert Name: CCNP WIRELESSTest Name: Troubleshooting Cisco Wireless Enterprise Network (WITSHOOT)Official Site:
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